CTV News Part 1 - How to move through Divorce in the Right Way by Avoiding the Traditional System

16 July 2018

Nearly half of first time marriages end in divorce, but Fairway Divorce Solutions offers an alternative to the traditional system

Is there light at the end of the tunnel? After helping thousands of clients divorce over 12 years, Karen Stewart shares her personal experiences in this CTV News interview. Learn how you can preserve your integrity, protect your assets, protect against legal bills. In other words, maintain hope about the future in your separation and divorce with Karen’s insight.

How to Move through Divorce

In this interview, Karen talks with CTV News Edmonton about divorce statistics and the differences between the “broken” traditional divorce system and the Fairway divorce process. Having gone through a lengthy divorce herself, this experience gave Karen insight into the limitations of the traditional system. Learn how Fairway can help you find a mutually beneficial outcome that protects your kids and your assets. Also remember to watch all three segments in our blog.

I started [Fairway Divorce] because I care deeply about the impact of divorce on families and children. Karen Stewart


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